• An ISO 9001:2015 Certification Company
  • Govt. Approved Professional Pest Management

Battle Dengue & Malaria with Our Mosquito Control Services in Kolkata

mosquito control services kolkata

We at Royal Management Services act as a shield to protect you from health hazards caused by mosquitos with our comprehensive Mosquito Control Services in Kolkata. Mosquitoes, which feed on mammalian blood, carries harmful pathogen inside. This leads to many fatal consequences even death. Our mosquito management solutions are highly effective to waive out the mosquitoes from the neighbourhood and eliminate the risks of Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya and other mosquito-borne diseases.


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    What Makes Our Mosquito Management Service Exclusive?

    At Royal Management Services, we understand the fact that it is hard to restrict the entry of mosquitoes in a neighbourhood permanently. But at the same time, we provide robust remedies with our mosquito management services, on a time to time basis.

    • Application of Insecticide sprays: We know that the larvae of mosquitoes thrive and breed on fresh or stagnant waters. At Royal Management Services,  our mosquito management team tracks down the confined premises with accumulated water like potholes, drains etc. where mosquitoes are found to breed, and applies insecticide sprays to destroy the larvae. Usually, chemicals like DDT and Malathion are used in this process.
    • Application of Thermal Foggers: At Royal Management Services, our Mosquito Control Services in Kolkata is destined to hunt down the flying mosquitoes at this particular time with the help of Thermal Foggers. A fogging solution is heated to create a dense and thick fog and directed towards the places with active flying mosquitoes. This facilitates to kill and eliminate the mosquitoes, quick and efficient.
    • Application of Cold Foggers: Our effective mosquito control team often prefers to use cold foggers to kill the mosquitoes. This particular application does not involve heat or thermal application to create fog or mist. Therefore the fog remains comparatively cleaner and can be easily applied in domestic and indoor breeding corners as well.

    And with these effective methods and techniques, we stand out of the crowd with our mosquito management solutions.

    Why Do You Need a Mosquito Pest Control?

    We at Royal Management Services always suggest you get a mosquito control done in your neighbourhood. The key reasons are:

    • Mosquito bites can cause Malaria, which bears adverse effects on health. Often it may lead to fatal consequences.
    • Culex mosquitoes are the key reason for the cause of Filariasis.
    • Aedes mosquito stays active during daytime and bites to cause dengue, yellow fever and Chikungunya.

    To avoid such health hazards, it is essential to avail our mosquito management services.

    Benefits of Choosing Royal Mosquito Control Services

    • Tasks are executed by skilled professional applicators.
    • Chemicals we use are absolutely friendly to the environment.
    • Applications are seamless and free from hassle.
    • Our services are cost-effective and save a lot of time.
    • Once the application is done, it acts as a long term solution.
    • We always provide additional assistance in case of any need.

    Sounds good?
    Avail our Mosquito Control Services in Kolkata today and say ‘goodbye’ to all sort of hazards regarding the same. Let your neighbourhood breath and thrive in peace in a mosquito free environment.
    Visit us to know more.

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